Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Class Dojo!!

I just stumbled upon an exciting new classroom management website called Class Dojo.  It uses a point system and provides an online management system to track student behaviors.  Students are awarded points for positive and negative behaviors (which can be customized to fit your classroom rules-rewards). Each student is assigned an avatar and can track his or her own progress.  Check out this screen shot of a sample classroom.

As you can see each student is awarded points.  The green bubble by the student's name shows how many points he or she has.  Here are examples of the positive and negative awards.  You can change this to fit your classroom management style.

You can also track student's behavior using their behavior report card.  It keeps track of how many positive and negative points students receive.  It shows a chart with the percent positive or percent negative.  The report can be downloaded and emailed using a PDF file.  This may be a great way to track certain behaviors for kids for RtII and could also be sent home to parents who request information on their child's behavior.

I told my class we would try this for awhile.  My school has implemented a school-wide behavior management system so I tried to find a way to use this as a supplement.  My third grade team earns tickets so the kids and I decided that for every five points they could earn a ticket. Then we started brainstorming bigger items that they could save up points for such as lunch in the classroom, choose your seat for a day, chew gum in the classroom, class dodgeball game, ice cream treat for the class, movie during lunch, shoes off for a day, 20 minutes with the school's Wii, etc.  The kids and I had a lot of fun coming up with rewards.

We're going to try this for awhile and see what happens!!

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